Meet the Team: Trey Brusio

trey culinology bio2Hi! My name is Trey Brusio and I am in the final year of completing my degree in Culinary Arts at Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte, NC. After graduation this year, I plan to transfer to the University of Maryland to major in Food Science. I am 19 years old and may be young, but I have worked my way through many areas of the foodservice industry. I have had many experiences with casual-dining, fine-dining, catering, stadiums, resorts, and even product development. I am currently in the Caribbean completing an internship for my degree. I will be with Cuisinart Golf Resort and Spa for three months (yes the same company that manufactured your stand-mixer at home). Recently I completed an internship with Elite Spice in the R&D department. This is where I found my love for experimentation with flavor. I found a personal comfort zone in which food and science intertwine; it was during this time that I realized what path I wanted to take my career in: Culinology.


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